Lycée Jean Moulin, Châteaulin, France
Our school is located in a remote area of Brittany: exhibitions, cultural activities theatres, are situated at least 30 kms away (often more) from where our students live or in Rennes/Nantes which implies a 6 hours journey.
Jean Moulin higher secondary high school is part of a school group in which are:
- A school at pupils (47) suffering from Epilepsy who come from various French areas.
- A lower secondary school aimed at pupils aged between 11 and 14-15 (500) and a group of special needs pupils (11)
- A higher secondary school aimed at students aged between 15 and 18-19 (500)
- A boarding school (100 students) aimed at students who live 30 kms from the school or more.
- A preparatory class for students who have already passed their baccalauréat and want to prepare admission exams to train as nurses.Because most of our students live far from Chateaulin (30 kms) and some of them live even further , a large majority are half boarders who have to commute everyday .
From a financial point of view,the average income of our students'families is inferior to regional average and more and more people have to apply for social and financial help (canteen fees,trips).
Lycée Jean Moulin has taken part in five European projects (Comenius) and written and coordinated four of them . We also sent and hosted students for Comenius Individual Mobilities three times. One of the French teachers is also a mobility developper for the French national Erasmus agency. This is why the French school is the coordinator of the current project.
10 rue du lycée
29150 chateaulin
Project Coordinator:
Anne-Louise Carnec