
Topic: 1. Europe @ School

This first topic deals with young Europeans’ school lives, degrees, subjects, rights and duties as well as the amount of hours students and teachers spend in school.



1. The School System

Product 6 : European students and teachers school hours.

These charts show European students and teachers school hours and enable students and teachers to make comparisons.


DE - German Education System

DE - Student and Teachers Hours

FR - School System

FR - Students and Teachers Hours

NO - Norwegian Education System

NO - Students and Teachers Hours

TR - Students and Teachers Hours

TR - Turkish School System

2. School days

Product 1: A school day in Europe

Videos about:

  • Out students' school's specificity (for example, the boarding school, the drama lessons.. )
  • What a typical school day is like for them  by showing different lessons, their  breaks , their study times (if relevant), the kind of extra activities they do
  • A virtual tour of each school 


FR - School Days

NO - School Days

TR - School Days

3. School subjects

Product 2 : High School subjects and degrees

Charts about High School subjects and degrees realized by interviewing students,teachers and other staff about high school subjects and degrees in their own country. The final production will show the information of all four countries and enable students and teachers to draw comparisons.


DE - High School Subjects and Degrees

FR - High School year 1

FR - High School year 2

FR - High School year 3

NO - High School Subjects and Degrees

4. Degrees

Product 3: Further Education and Degrees

Posters showing charts about the different possibilities and types of schools available to teenagers at the end of lower school and high school.
These charts will give the names of the diplomas requested for the different study and career paths


DE - Further Education and Study Paths

FR - Further Education and Study Paths

NO - Further Education and Study Paths

TR - Further Education and Study Paths

5. European Students ID Cards

Product 4 : Students' ID cards

Students make school children and pupils  identity cards according to the school levels by interviewing teachers and other staff. The final production (posters) for example shows photos of typical school children (infants, children and teenagers) of all four countries wearing uniforms (if applicable) with their ID cards. The goal of these ID cards is to enable students and teachers to find out about the partner countries  school system and to draw comparisons.


DE - Comprehensive School ID Card

DE - Grammar School ID Card

DE - Junior High School ID Card

DE - Primary School ID Card

DE - Vocational College ID Card

DE - Waldorf Education ID Card

FR - High School ID Card

FR - Infants School ID Card

FR - Middle School ID Card

FR - Primary School ID Card

FR - University Students ID Card

NO - Students' ID Card

Event: Europe @ School - Germany

02-01-2016 - Paderborn, Germany

Photos from the Event